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Newburgh’s Environmental Justice Fellowship Program (EJFP) is its 3rd year and we’re thrilled to introduce you to our current cohort of four fabulous Fellows!

The EJ Fellowship program began in 2021 with funding from the Arbor Day Foundation and TD Bank. In 2022, the City of Newburgh provide major support for the Fellowship, along with essential funding from Scenic Hudson and the Conservancy. From its inception, the EJ Fellowship Program has been a collaborative endeavor of the Greater Newburgh Parks Conservancy, Outdoor Promise and Newburgh’s Conservation Advisory Council. EJF program elements here.

We center our work on environmental justice strategies; black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) leadership; peer-to-peer community engagement; and equitable access to green space and a clean, healthy environment. We focus on providing hands-on learning, community engagement and leadership development opportunities for young adults in Newburgh who can share their passion and skills for environmental justice with their families, friends, neighbors, and local business owners.

Our first and second cohorts of Fellows were smart and skilled young people from Newburgh eager to give back to their community, learn about environmental issues, share this knowledge with other Newburgh residents, survey Newburghers about their concerns, suggestions, and perspectives, and report back to on the results of their work and recommendations for the future.



Emily Alta

Hey, my name is Emily Irene Alta. Feel free to call me Em or Emi. I was born and raised in Newburgh, NY and I love living here! Currently, I am a Business Marketing student at Mount Saint Mary College and I love to volunteer at different events throughout the city. I believe the Earth is our only home and it’s important to take care of it before it’s too late. Newburgh is a beautiful city and I am so happy we get to be a part of the positive change. I am a proud Latina who believes our community needs cleaner air and safer streets. Aside from planting trees, I wish to plant seeds of hope for future generations to live in a better environment. 

Hola, mi nombre es Emily Irene Alta. Siéntete libre de llamarme Em o Emi. ¡Nací y crecí en Newburgh, NY y amo vivir aquí! Actualmente, soy estudiante de Marketing Empresarial en el Mount Saint Mary College y me encanta ser voluntaria en diferentes eventos en toda la ciudad. Creo que la Tierra es nuestro único hogar y es importante cuidar de ella antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Newburgh es una hermosa ciudad y estoy muy feliz de poder ser parte del cambio positivo. Soy una orgullosa latina y creo que nuestra comunidad necesita aire más limpio y calles más seguras. Además de plantar árboles, deseo sembrar semillas de esperanza para que las futuras generaciones vivan en un mundo mejor.

Tyrese Billups

Hello, everyone! My name is Tyrese. I am a Newburgh native and I’m currently in a gap year. I’ve been intrigued by environmental justice for some time now and am sensitive to several social and environmental problems, particularly around Newburgh. I believe that helping the environment is a collective way to solve various problems - social, economic, political, as well as to preserve nature’s beauty and its numerous values. It’s also a great way to make the city more beautiful and more aesthetically pleasing as it becomes more in harmony with nature. I have an everlasting passion for nature, adore it dearly and want to share my passion for it with other Newburghers. Nature is essential to keeping us healthy and we need to maintain its longevity. A first step to do that is by growing more trees. So let’s grow and make Newburgh and the world greener!

Eileen Corrales

Hi! My name is Eileen Corrales, I’m a current SUNY New Paltz Biochemistry Major. I’m a long-time resident of Newburgh and have loved it and the community since I can remember. I grew up in a science/agricultural background and have always wanted to help nature and people, so joining the EJFP has helped me get one step closer to my goal. My love of nature started at a young age and has flourished into something so beautiful. I can’t wait to share my passion and knowledge with everyone in Newburgh. 

Hola! Mi nombre es Eileen Corrales, soy una Bioquimica estudiante de SUNY New Paltz. Soy una residente de Newburgh desde mucho tiempo y ha amado a Newburgh y la comunidad desde que puedo recordar. Creci en un entorno cientifica/agricola y siempre quiza a ayudar a personas y naturalezas, por unirme con el EJFP me han ayudaron a acercarme un paso mas a mi objetivo. Mi amor por naturaleza comenzo a una edad temprana y se ha convertido en algo tan hermosa y no puedo esperar para compartir mi pasion y conocimento con todos en Newburgh.

Nicole Villachica

Hi, my name is Nicole Villachica, I’m currently attending Mount Saint Mary College, majoring in Biology. I was born and raised here in Newburgh. I have been volunteering in my community since I was in middle school through college and always strived to do anything to help better my community. My love for gardening and trees made this a great opportunity for me to learn more about environmental justice and the impact it has on my community. I’m proud to have been given this opportunity to help nurture trees, educate the importance and beauty of them. Because our community plants and trees deserve to be there for our future generation to come.


Elio Luna

My name is Elio Luna, also known as Floyd. I am born and raised in the city of Newburgh. Growing up in Newburgh, I was able to see the community and life within and fell in love with it. I have a passion for environmental justice and advocacy, sustainable living, and helping others. I am excited to be part of the Environmental Justice program because it allows me to tie in all of my passions together to make a meaningful impact in our community.


Gema Vidals Herrera

Hola, me llamo Gema Vidals Herrera. I’m a long-time resident of Newburgh. For me and my family, our relationship with nature and the environment begins with gardening, planting, and engaging with the outdoors. Through my efforts, I seek to foster change and promote environmental dialogue. I think that caring for a tree is a means of empowering communities like Newburgh to realize change and nurture future generations. We ought to love our environment just as much as we need its love. “Be the change you want to see,” as the saying goes.


Kwai McFarlane

I'm Kwai McFarlane - I was born and raised in Newburgh, New York. After traveling to different countries such as South Korea, Canada, and Italy - I realized how great Newburgh is and how great it could truly become. I owe it to my future self to help create the beauty in our environment - because our environment is so impressionable on who we become in this world.


Monserrat Medina

Hello everyone! My name is Monserrat Medina but you can call me Monse. I was born and raised in Newburgh and I absolutely love it here. I have always had a passion for environmental justice so when I heard about this program I became very thrilled! Earth is our home, it deserves to be kept clean and advocated for. There’s no better place to start than here in Newburgh! See you all soon!


Thomas Coleman

Hello, my name is Thomas Coleman and I am an Environmental Justice Fellow. My roots in this city run deep being descendants of both the owners Luna Bakery, Ross and Lucy LoPresti, and the famed "Egg Man of Newburgh" Francis Coleman. I have always loved the history and diversity of Newburgh from its foundations as Headquarters for General Washington to the Illumination in 1884 I've found each era of Newburgh's history to be immensely fascinating. I now look forward to making my own bit of Newburgh history by combining my passion for the outdoors and my love for my community to help promote the education, maintenance, and benefits of trees in our city!

Revisit the 2021 Fellows!

Ameesah Cotten

My name is Ameesah Cotten and I am a Newburgh native who developed a love for my community, the people in it, and the surrounding environment. My passion for environmental justice began as a passion for social justice and quickly evolved. I became aware of the unfortunate overlap between social and environmental issues that occur in my backyard. From there, I committed to my community to work for change! Newburgh is a great city and I believe we have the ability to realize its full potential if we work together.


Marichen Montiel

My name is Marichen Montiel and I am a proud member of the Environmental Justice Fellowship. I am interested in this program because I want people in our community to enjoy and understand the role that the environment plays in our lives. Newburgh deserves an engaged community that wants to see change. I'm excited to see where this journey will take us!


Heidy Bonilla

My name is Heidy and I use my voice to help and raise awareness of the problems we face because, as Gabriel García Márquez says, “it would be enough for me to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.” I am Latina and I am proud of my heritage.


Kathryn McKenzie

Kat is an amazing artist who grew up in the city of Newburgh. Like many, her passion and appreciation for plants was reignited during the pandemic by helping with her father's garden. Kat believes that plants play a vital role in our health and therefore hopes to create a greener Newburgh through education and community outreach.



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Take Online Street Tree Course

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