Newburgh Blooms - Planting Bulbs

Newburgh Blooms - Planting Bulbs


The Conservancy has loads of bright "Jetfire" mini daffodil bulbs to fill gardens and flower boxes, parks and street-sides, on public and private green spaces throughout the City of Newburgh and in our neighboring Towns of Newburgh and New Windsor.

Planting bulbs is a great way to get outdoors and to plant a little hope in the ground for a brighter year ahead. We’ve chosen bulbs that thrive in a variety of soils and environments, are resistant to deer and other critters, and are easy to plant. They'll bring us vibrant blooms next spring, reminding us we’ve weathered this difficult year and we’re all working together in small, individual ways and large, collective ways to make our communities more beautiful places to live and work. The bulbs will also multiply over the years, to amplify that vital truth.

Please join us to plant little beacons of hope & to light up greater Newburgh from the ground up!

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